So, of course, I ran home from the mines and booted up my old, district approved computer, and this email was waiting for me:
Apparently there is a huge morale issue in District 12! No one seems to be excited for the 74th Annual Hunger Games, so Mayor Undersee, in all his tech savvy-ness, has created a Facebook page and Twitter account for us to follow and discuss the games. All in an effort to bring us together, right?
A few days later, I received another text. This time the text was telling me about some new updates to the social media accounts of my district.
Well, I am glad that D3 has been hard at work, but they can't be that hard at work because I'm not from D3! They figured it out soon enough, because they sent me the next text:
Silly Gamemakers. About five days after that, I received yet another text. This time, they were informing me about changes to the Panem October website.
A lot certainly had changed on the website, including a countdown clock that is set to expire on the first of October. Panem October, indeed.
Finally, I got another text last Sunday, stating that I needed to attend an interview with the Head Gamemaker this coming Wednesday (tomorrow):
I went to and found nothing. I guess I'll have to check it out tomorrow. They said it was mandatory so I hope I don't miss it...
As far as the official viral marketing for the film, the capitol's website has been updated, allowing you to register through Facebook or Twitter. Once you register, it tells you what district you are a part of, much like the fan created campaign. There are other cool things on the website as well, but for right now it is pretty bare. It's off to a good start, but right now the fan made one is winning, in my opinion.
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