Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Like Your District Immediately

The official viral marketing website for "The Hunger Games" has had some activity this morning. When I woke up I was greeted with an email telling me to go to capitol.pn, the official website of The Capitol. Once there, I had to sign in with my Facebook account, and I was given a new district. I thought I was District 9, but apparently I am now District 8, Textiles. Once I signed in, I was ordered to visit and like District 8's Facebook page.
Back on the Capitol's website, I was able to make my District Identification card, which will be used for I don't know what. Hopefully they will mail me this, cause I'd love to have a hard copy. That's pretty much all that is happening with the official campaign.
The fan-made campaign is plugging along as well. It is October, so PanemOctober.com has officially launched. It is very similar to the official campaign - you create an identification card and get to show your support for your district (District 12 in this case). On the home page, there is a message from the Capitol and the Mayor:

Also, you are able to see the ID cards for other citizens, including Effie Trinket:

At this point, the official viral marketing campaign seems to have a little more finesse and polish, but they have the big bucks to make it look like that. I will say this for the fan-made campaign, however: they are making excellent use of cast photos. It gives it a little more credibility then it should have. Stay tuned as more news comes in...